Premium Type


The Most Popular One

Roller bit MH-3 is DRILLNOVA latest and most promising design. It comes from long-time working with clients, deeply understanding the operational problem. It solves the quick welding and high torque drilling weight conflict demand at the same time.

Cominbed with the latest 3rd generation full-covered inserts. You can expect it will outperform any bit in the piling industry. 

3rd Generation Cone

• Full Covered 3rd Generation

• Inserts Qty: Maximized 52 pcs 

• OD: 139 mm 

• Feature: Full covered insert, no blind spot

• Performance: Maximum duration & penetration rate

4th Generation leg

• Piling design 4th Generation

• Shape: Flat & regular leg body with increased thickness


   • Preload Working degree- easy & quick welding to cutting ring

   • High torque & drilling weight capacity

3rd Generation Cone

 Piling Design

• 0.6 Mpa consistent pressure

• Advantages:

• No rubber component, less vulnerable to welding heat

• 20% bearing working life increase

Perfect Inserts for Every Rock Type

Engineered for All Rock Conditions—Tailored Solutions for Your Unique Project







* Note: only available for 3rd Generation Cone

Additional Support

Select Roller Bit

Selecting the appropriate type and quality based on the geological formation is crucial for optimizing drilling efficiency

Improve Tool Design

A well-designed core barrel enhances debris removal, significantly improving drilling efficiency

Welding Instruction

Correct roller bit placement and welding accuracy are vital for achieving the desired drilling results.

Operation Tips

Proper control of drilling weight and rotating speed directly impacts penetration rates and roller bit wear


1200mm Roller Bit Core Barrel - Guangdong

Rock type: Grainite
Roller Bit Type: MH-3 Conical
Rock socketing length 1.5D
Drilling rig: SR405R
Penetrating rate: 0.7m/h due to part rock weathered

1800mm Roller Bit Core Barrel - Wuhe Subway Station

Rock Type: Fresh hard grainte
Roller Bit Type: MH-3 Conical
Rock socketing length: 35m+
Drilling rig: Zoomlion 550L Pile Length: 95m
Core barrel Height: 3.5m

1200mm Roller Bit Core Barrel - Chengdu

Rock type: Tuff
Roller Bit Type: MH-3R Conical
Rock socketing length 2D
Drilling rig: XR360
Penetrating rate: 0.5m/h
Pile length 38m

1200mm Roller Bit Core Barrel -Guangzhou

Rock type: Grainite Gneiss
Roller Bit Type: MH-3 Conical
Rock socketing length 2-5m
Drilling rig: XR360
Penetrating rate: 0.4m/h
Pile length 30m

1200mm Roller Bit Core Barrel - Aisa

Rock type: Grainite
Roller Bit Type: MH-3 Conical
Rock socketing length 2D
Drilling rig: Bauer BG28
Penetrating rate: 0.5m/h
Pile length 25m

2500mm Core Barrel with Roller Bit - Middle east

Rock type: Grainite
Roller Bit Type: MH-3H Conical
Rock socketing length 1.5D
Drilling rig: Bauer BG30
Penetrating rate: 0.4m/h
Pile length 32m